Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Configure Network in Linux Virtual Machine Running on Virtual Box

Linux: Oracle Linux 6.7

Virtual Box:  6.0



Device: eth0

1) Note the MAC address from Virtual box settings:



















2) From the Linux machine, Go to System --> Preferences --> network connections:

     Edit eth0 and enter the ipadress and netmask and apply.

















3)   Edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, check the ipaddress and netmask are correct and modify the HWADDR as 08:00?27:5A:1A:80.














4) Edit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and update the ATTR(address=='08:00:27:5A:1A:80' for eth0


5) Reboot the server. 
6) Check the network status : 







7) Check the ipconfig

SQL Server TDE Database Encryption

This is Data-at-rest encryption. TDE is a feature that encrypts data files to protect them at rest. Databases to be encrypted: testdb, SAM 1...